Is the introduction to solid foods approaching? What should you buy exactly to start this stage? Dr. Ioana Stavrositu: "We need less than we think!"

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Is the introduction to solid foods approaching? What should you buy exactly to start this stage? Dr. Ioana Stavrositu: "We need less than we think!" / PHOTO: @Mariaprovector
Is the introduction to solid foods approaching? What should you buy exactly to start this stage? Dr. Ioana Stavrositu: "We need less than we think!" / PHOTO: @Mariaprovector

In the latest episode of the show "Părinți Prezenți," a topic of great interest to parents was addressed: introducing solid foods to babies.

The host, Loredana Iriciuc, editor-in-chief of, opened the show with a common question among parents: "What exactly do we need for starting solid foods? A high chair, blender, plastic utensils or not. I remember my kitchen was full of unnecessary things, buying them because of advertisements, but my child ate in my arms with just one blue spoon, which was his favorite."

In this context, Dr. Ioana Stavrositu, a specialist in endocrinology and nutrition expert, provided some essential advice: "Basically, we need less than we expect. We buy a lot, the market offers so much, and we tend to get as much as possible. They're beautifully colored, they're cute. Most of the time, they are more necessary for us visually than for the child."

Dr. Stavrositu emphasized the importance of a high chair.

"In practice, at the beginning of introducing solid foods, the high chair is very important, the one where we place the child during meal times. It's important, however, that meals are taken in the chair! Not in arms, not while moving, not in the car, not with distractions, because the risk of choking significantly increases when attention is diverted or we are on the move", said Dr. Ioana Stavrositu on Părinți Prezenți, a show by

The nutrition expert detailed the criteria for a suitable high chair: "So, the high chair is the first thing we should check off! It's important to have a 90° angle between the trunk and pelvis, as well as between the knees and ankles, with support for the soles of the feet to keep the child in an upright position. Therefore, it's important that the chair is adjustable and that the adjustment reaches the child's feet, because there are many chairs with adjustments that unfortunately don't reach the minimum level for the child's feet."

PHOTO: @artfolio

Dr. Ioana Stavrositu emphasized the importance of children seeing that foods touch each other

Dr. Stavrositu also highlighted the need for simple and practical items to facilitate the introduction of solid foods: "We need a bowl, most likely, to offer mashed foods. Whether we start with a classic approach, offering only purees, or a mixed approach, offering both purees and small pieces from the beginning, we'll need a bowl for certain foods that have a mashed texture. For example, mashed potatoes or polenta with cheese and sour cream."

In addition to a bowl, Dr. Stavrositu recommended a simple plate for other foods that do not require mashing.

"We'll also need a plate for the other foods or dishes that may not have a mashed texture. I recommend that this plate not be divided. I know it looks nice, we see those plating photos everywhere on social media, it looks good, but the child needs to see that foods touch each other", Dr. Ioana Stavrositu further emphasized.

The expert added an essential aspect to children's nutritional education: "This is to prevent becoming one of those children we've surely encountered before: 'I won't eat the meat because it touched the carrot' and 'I won't eat the carrot because it touched the salad' and so on. It's good for them to know that foods can coexist on the same plate."

Dr. Stavrositu: "The ideal material would be silicone"

PHOTO: @dmitrytph

"We also need a cup. Typically, the most accepted by toddlers right after starting solids, when we begin offering water as well, is the sippy cup. However, a cup with a straw or even a small, simple cup can be just as suitable", added the doctor.

Regarding the ideal materials for bowls, plates, and utensils, Dr. Stavrositu emphasized: "Silicone would be ideal. It's easy to wash, and clean and can be sterilized. Bamboo options are also suitable. Plastic ones are probably towards the bottom of the list currently, but if using plastic, ensure they are BPA-free."

Furthermore, Dr. Stavrositu mentioned the need for small spoons adapted to the child's young age: "We primarily need small spoons that the child can handle independently. There are special spoons tailored to young ages, between 6-8-10 months, some even with a groove in the middle to easily hold food and make it easier for them to manage."

In a final note, Dr. Stavrositu concluded with a remark full of wisdom: "And that's it, it ended quickly, didn't it?"

Starting solid foods can seem daunting, but with the right equipment and approach, parents can make this transition efficiently and safely for their little ones.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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