Signs that show which sport a child is good at and the age at which they are ready for performance. Andreea Munteanu: "Parents need to pay attention to THIS!"

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Signs that show which sport a child is good at and the age at which they are ready for performance. Andreea Munteanu: "Parents need to pay attention to THIS!" / PHOTO: @user16450298
Signs that show which sport a child is good at and the age at which they are ready for performance. Andreea Munteanu: "Parents need to pay attention to THIS!" / PHOTO: @user16450298

The decision regarding the right sport for a child can be a challenge for parents, especially given the wide range of options. Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu, the dance instructors who placed Romania on the highest global podium, spoke at Părinți Prezenți about a practical method to guide this choice.

"Initially, you take him to all sports. Choose at least three or four and first see his enthusiasm", suggests Andreea Munteanu on Părinți Prezenți, a show by "His face, when he is at practice, tells whether he likes it or not!"

Parents should pay attention to the child's reactions during training sessions. "There are very happy little ones when you take them to dance and others who are very sad until the class is over. It’s clear that for them that hour is not a way to relax or have fun", adds Andreea Munteanu.

It is also essential to communicate with the instructors. "The parent analyzes the child or asks the teacher at the end if he liked it. The teacher, I don’t know if, from the first hour, they can truly tell, but I believe that in a month, as an instructor, you can realize whether that child has a future in dance, and as a parent whether to continue."

"For a child to stay in a place where he doesn't like is... it makes the hour impossible. He won't be obedient at all!" warns Andreea Munteanu. Observing the child's energy level and reactions is essential to making the best choice for him.

"Then, you see the child's energy, facial expressiveness, they tell right away if he likes that sport or not."

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Andreea Munteanu: "It's best to start performance training as late as possible"

Determining the right time to start performance training for children is an important decision.

"Medical advice, from the standpoint of bone structure, suggests that it's best to start performance training later: at 7 - 8 years old", recommends Andreea Munteanu.

Until this stage, Munteanu advises keeping physical activities at a level suitable for the child's age. "While he's young, maintain the physical effort appropriate for his age, but after 7-8 years we can talk about a more serious training plan, meaning more hours per week. Additionally, his capacity is much greater to remember and physically be able to perform at a high level, as there is a special technique involved."

Therefore, the period of up to 7-8 years should be treated more as a phase of exploration and play, where children are encouraged to learn through fun methods.

"After 7-8 years, it's advisable to perform seriously, until then it's fun. It's about play. You learn to dance, but through play, after which we talk more seriously", concludes Andreea Munteanu.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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