The first steps a couple facing infertility should take. Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Let's clean up before we invite guests"

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The first steps a couple facing infertility should take. Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Let's clean up before we invite guests" / PHOTO: @kuprevich
The first steps a couple facing infertility should take. Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Let's clean up before we invite guests" / PHOTO: @kuprevich

When couples face difficulties in conceiving and begin to wonder where to start their journey to parenthood, Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at SANADOR with a special interest in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction, presented them with the first steps they should follow on "Present Parents", a show hosted by the editor-in-chief of, Loredana Iriciuc.

Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu emphasizes that the first important step is a gynecological consultation. Both partners need to be involved in this process! Among the first recommended investigations are a sperm analysis for the male partner and an ultrasound for the female partner. Based on the results of these initial investigations, a specific treatment may be recommended to address identified issues and optimize the chances of natural conception.

"The first step is the gynecological consultation. When a patient comes to me, usually, an equally important recommendation is to perform a sperm analysis for the partner. I prefer this approach from both sides, as I like to say, to meet in the middle easily because if we find a problem in the male part, it gives us time to correct it.

The approach is, after failing to conceive, to visit a doctor, to be recommended a series of investigations and analyses for both the female and male factors, to start with a simple ultrasound where we can identify pathologies (such as cysts, fibroids) and then to obtain treatment for them and to continue investigations according to each individual's needs.

Usually, we don't jump straight to IVF (in vitro fertilization) so easily. I don't have that approach. We have a period where we try to achieve pregnancy naturally, then we investigate other causes of infertility, then we look for other reasons, then, if necessary, we resort to laparoscopy, and fertilization remains the last resort in infertility management", said dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu on Present Parents, a show by

Infertility, the signals that should send you to the doctor and when is it "too late"? Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Time NEVER works in anyone's favor!"

Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Let's clean up before we invite guests"

PHOTO: @user25451090

Many couples facing infertility consider in vitro fertilization (IVF) as the only viable solution. Dr. Morariu emphasizes that pathologies such as endometriotic cysts or endometriosis can significantly affect the quality of oocytes and the fertility rate. Correcting these health issues is important in improving the chances of natural conception.

To underscore the importance of this aspect, Dr. Morariu uses a simple analogy: "Let's clean up before we invite guests."

"I don't necessarily believe that IVF will be the last solution because if there are local pathologies, they hinder us. Endometriotic cysts decrease oocyte quality by 50%, endometriosis decreases fertility rate by 50%. Correcting these pathologies may help us achieve pregnancy naturally, which is what we desire.

When I discuss this with the patient, I tell her, 'You also have a health issue, I think it would be better to correct it.' In reality, correcting the health issue may also lead to correcting infertility.

First, as I say, let's clean up before we invite guests.

IVF should be the last resort after we have decided that there is no other way and after we have cleaned up, so to speak, and checked that there are no other solutions", added Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu.

Causes of infertility. Dr. Ciprian-Andrei Morariu: "Everyone tried to point the finger at women. There has been an observed increase in male infertility"

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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