The signs that indicate that a child's limits have been exceeded. Psychologist Radu Leca: "These are the first symptoms! Think carefully!"

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The signs that indicate that a child's limits have been exceeded. Psychologist Radu Leca: "These are the first symptoms! Think carefully!" / PHOTO: @EyeEm
The signs that indicate that a child's limits have been exceeded. Psychologist Radu Leca: "These are the first symptoms! Think carefully!" / PHOTO: @EyeEm

Psychologist Radu Leca emphasized on "Present Parents," a show hosted by the editor-in-chief of, Loredana Iriciuc, that there are clear signs indicating when a parent has exceeded their child's limits.

The expert argues that observing the child's behavior can provide important clues. Radu Leca urged parents to pay attention to the signals their children are sending and to be open to analyzing and understanding the reasons behind their behavior, to ensure a healthy and respectful relationship between parent and child.

"The symptoms that you've crossed your child's limits are clear! Has he gained weight? Yes! But why? Is it good for him? So, if you tell him what to do, and he gains weight, is it good for him?

Does he have a stomach ache? When? When you tell him what to do? So, is he somatizing?

Does he pee frequently? How often? Well, every time he does homework with me, he goes to the bathroom about five times.

Does he feel the need to eat sweets when you talk to him or nibble? You have an attitude problem!

Do you see him restless with restless legs before bedtime? Why is that? Well, I asked him to read. Okay, show him how to read!

Does he wake up thirsty during the night? Yes! Does he prefer a mouthful of 'dark water' instead of regular water? Yes! It's a problem!

Think carefully about what your child is doing!

Does he spend a lot of time in the bathroom without a phone in hand? He's hiding from you! With a phone in hand, he hides even more!

What clothes is he wearing? Are there some that annoy you? What kind of sneakers does he want? What types of expenses does he demand?

All of these are signs of crossing your child's limits!", said Radu Leca on Present Parents a show by

Parents who want champion children. Psychologist Radu Leca: "These little ones have a pair of deeply unhealthy parents"

Radu Leca, about masked depression: "It has two signs!"

PHOTO: @freepik

The psychologist emphasized the importance of parents being aware of the impact they have on their children and how they interact with them. He stressed that the pressure children are under can manifest in a variety of symptoms, some of which are recognized, but others may hide a serious problem called masked depression.

"Think carefully, dear parents, about what you do for your children and how you do it. The pressure a child is under can have multiple symptoms, some of which you have recognized, but it may also conceal a very important element called masked depression.

When depression is successfully masked by the child, he has two signs that no specialist is allowed to ignore. Number 1 - being moody.

Is he rude? No! He's just very sad. Depression can take multiple forms, not just those in the books.

And number 2 - a constant state of waiting. You see him waiting before eating, drinking water, going to the bathroom, just waiting. 'What are you doing?' 'Fine, you?' 'What are you waiting for?' 'Nothing!' 'Well, shouldn't you eat?' 'I'll eat!' 'When?' 'When I want!' and the voice rises.

These are the first signs! Think carefully about what you demand from your child!

Depending on how much you demand from your child and at what age you demand it, from 7-9 years old, he may start to become sad", Radu Leca added.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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